Poem – ‘Overpowering Emotion’ by groovyscone FEEDBACK PLEASE! =)


‘Overpowering Emotion’ by groovyscone, kindly rate and comment =)

If I wheedled a seventeenth century renaissance mace?


Would you get a private detective on the case?


If I gave you a seventy foot long red liquorice bootlace,


And presented it to you in an elaborate fancy seventy foot long purple case,


With such enthusiasm, good nature, flamboyance and pleasant grace,


And serenaded you with a 1000 Decibel, sub woofer, super speaker with double bass,


Would your soul flow with overpowering emotion,


So real and so true and as huge as the ocean?


Would you feel love and passion like a shot by injection?


Or just call somebody to arrange to have me sectioned?  



Peace and mucho mucho mucho gracias,

Jah Protect
